How To Get Rid Of Mice In Kittitas County Homes

Serving Families Throughout Ellensburg
House mouse eating grains.

When you see a mouse in your home, it is likely that you're going to have questions. While these are common pests, Kittitas County residents often don't know all that much about them, particularly how to get rid of them. If you're thinking, "Yeah. That's me," then you're in luck. When you're done with this article, you're going to know how to get rid of mice with the best of them. You'll also have some fun facts about mice to share at parties. What you need to know is quite simple. Let's take a look at how mice get into Kittitas County homes, how to deter them, and why mice problems are important to deal with as soon as possible

Entry Points For Mice In Kittitas County Homes

If you're hoping to get rid of mice, the first step is to understand how mice get into your home. The last thing you want is to have new mice replacing any mice you remove from your home. Mice use some common entry points.

  • Gaps under exterior doors.
  • Gaps in weatherstripping around doors.
  • Gaps around pipes, wire conduits, and other foundation penetrations.
  • Unprotected vents. Even high ones. Mice are great climbers.
  • Wood frames around windows and doors. Mice can not only exploit tiny holes, they can make tiny holes bigger using their strong incisors.

Kittitas County Home Prevention Is Where To Start

Once you've considered how mice get inside, the next step is to use that information to keep them out. Here are some exclusion tips and other helpful tips to use with your exclusions.

  • Install door sweeps to doors that don't have them.
  • Adjust double doors if there are gaps.
  • Replace weatherstripping on doors.
  • Use a caulking gun to create a seal around utilities and foundation penetrations.
  • Apply screen material or hardware cloth to protect vents, louvers, and other potential entry points.
  • Use steel wool to keep mice out of your gutters, and to prevent them from getting up onto your roof. You can also use steel wool to keep mice out of holes and gaps that are being targeted.
  • You can work to keep mice away and from your exterior by trimming landscaping, removing unnecessary plants, moving sticks and leaves, and getting rid of any other hiding places.
  • Keep all garbage protected.

Why Mouse Prevention Is Vital For Kittitas County Homes

Okay. Here are those fun facts about mice we promised you. When you're spending time with friends and family, there are a few things you might want to share with them. They're also important facts you should know as well.

  • Mice gnaw on building materials to see if they are food. They'll gnaw on all kinds of things, including wires and gas lines. This can present a serious fire hazard.
  • The urine of mice is known to aggravate allergies and often leads to ongoing sickness in a home even if mice aren't noticeably getting into stored foods.
  • Mice can contaminate surfaces, dishes, and other sensitive locations. Contact with invisible organisms left by mice can make you sick.
  • Mice get into storage areas. In these places, they can damage stored items by chewing on them and by leaving their waste where they explore and where they sleep. It is best to keep mice away from your home and out of storage areas.

What's The Most Efficient Way To Get Rid Of Mice In Kittitas County?

Now that you're armed with a few facts that will help you with prevention and control, let's talk about the best way to get rid of mice. You probably already know what it is. Mouse traps are the solution. But it can be very difficult to trap mice. If you try and fail, you may not know it and this can leave you with property damage and ongoing health issues. The best solution for mice problems, and the best way to get rid of mice, is to reach out to Prosite. Our licensed technicians use field-tested methods to make sure no mice remain in your property.