Why Leave Rodents To The Professionals At Prosite

Serving Families Throughout Ellensburg
rodent on kitchen counter in central washington

Nothing is more enticing after a long day out in the cold than cuddling up next to a nice and warm fireplace. Sadly, rodents think the same way and would like nothing more around this time of the year than to escape the cold outdoors by invading to share the warmth inside our homes. This can lead to a number of issues and it may leave you wondering what to do next.

Why DIY Is Not The Best Solutions

You might think store-bought rodent control solutions are the best way to go when it comes to getting rid of mice and/or rats in your home. Sadly it is not.  Often times store-bought products just don’t cut it and can be dangerous as well.

Mouse traps and rat traps are other items available for purchase.  A word of caution though - if not set in the right place, those traps will likely remain empty.  What's more, if you are able to catch a few rodent invaders, the problem will continue if you don't address and correct how they're getting in.   

Why Rodents May Stick Around After Winter Ends

Now, at this point, you may be thinking, “why not let the rodents leave on their own once the weather warms up?”. Although this seems like a good plan at first glance, what you may not consider is that rodents may not want to leave your home come spring and even summer. The reason they would not is if they have settled in inside your home and have an ample amount of food to scavenge to keep them happy.

Why Professional Rodent Removal Is Safe, Effective, And Worth It

If rodents have invaded your home to escape the cold and look like they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon then it is time to call the professionals here at Prosite.

Our rodent control services for homeowners in Central Washington are not only designed to quickly and efficiently resolve rodent infestations, we can also help you prevent them from coming back! To learn more about our solutions for mice and rats, please contact us!