How Prosite Keeps Homes In Yakima County Termite-Free

Serving Families Throughout Ellensburg
a large swarm of termoted damaging a grand portion of a wooden sructure on a home in yakima county

Have you ever taken a walk through the forest and seen a dead tree with tunnels chewed all through it? It may have left you wondering, “What creature could do damage like this?” The answer is termites. However, a few chewed up trees in the woods are not what we are concerned about. We are much more concerned about what these wood-destroying pests can do to your home. 

Have you ever taken a walk through the forest and seen a dead tree with tunnels chewed all through it? It may have left you wondering, “What creature could do damage like this?” The answer is termites. However, a few chewed up trees in the woods are not what we are concerned about.

We are more worried about what these wood-destroying pests can do to your home and your neighbors if left untreated. That being said, let’s take a moment and discuss why these pests are entering into their active season and why now is your time to get your home the termite protection it needs.

Why Termites In Yakima Are Becoming Active

The good news about termites in Washington is that they are not fully active year-round. Our colder longer winters give us a reprieve from their destructive hunger. It is only when spring raises the temperature that termites begin to reemerge to destroy homes once again.

In fact, it is around this time that termites begin to do something called swarming. This is a process where fully mature termite colonies spawn a winged breed of termites called swarmers.

If you witness a termite swarm outside, that does not necessarily mean there are termites in your house. It should cause you to consider if your home is protected against these destructive bugs. If you don't have a termite control plan in place, we recommend looking into one. 

If a termite swarm occurs inside your house (trust us, it happens), then taking action is a must! Reach out to Prosite to discuss our termite control services. 

Either way, termites more active as the weather heats up and your home could be at risk. 

Termite Control In Yakima Is The Right Choice & Why DIY Alone Isn't Enough

Here at Prosite, we understand just how destructive termites can be. That's why we offer termite inspections for homes (and businesses too) throughout Yakima County.

But before we get into how we handle termites, let’s take a minute to talk about why you should leave termite control to the pros. The biggest reason why DIY is often ineffective is, when termites are inside, they hide deep within the wood of a home. This makes them extremely difficult to spot and even harder to know if treatments are successful.

When you choose Prosite, you don’t have to wonder if termites are still around, because we have the tools and termite treatments needed to resolve the termite infestation and to prevent termite colonies from re-establishing.

Specifically we harness the power of Termidor, a liquid-based termite treatment, to eliminate and prevent termites.  

To get your very own Termidor treatments, or to schedule an inspection for your home, give us a call today. One of our service representatives will be happy to help you find the protection you are looking for for your home.