How Dangerous Is It To Have Mice In My Kittitas County Home?

Serving Families Throughout Ellensburg
A house mouse crawling in the dark.

What trouble could an insignificant little house mouse possibly cause a homeowner? You may believe this cute little critter couldn't possibly be a big problem. Wrong! Don't let the house mouse's sweet face fool you; it can cause Kittitas County homeowners multiple issues. If you have one house mouse, there may be plenty more hiding all over your home.

What Everybody Should Know About House Mice In Kittitas County

House mice are standard in United States households; in fact, they are the species you are most likely to see darting and zipping across your floor. They have distinctive features that can help Kittitas County residents identify them.

Distinctive house mice features are as follows:

  • They have a white-to-yellowish (creamy) belly.
  • Depending on their location, their coloration can vary from light-brown to dusty gray to dark gray.
  • Their four little legs support a rounded shape.
  • Their ears are large with bits of hair.
  • They have a pointed nose.
  • Their eyes are small and black.
  • They measure between 2½ inches to 3¾ inches (tails add another 2¾ inches to 4 inches).

In the wild, house mice typically prefer to eat grain-based items, but they have no problem eating almost any food humans supply. Since human populations keep expanding into rodent territories, house mice and humans continue to see each other frequently.

Little-Known Dangers and Damages Caused By Kittitas County House Mice

By the time you see a house mouse, an entire infestation is probably in progress. Female house mice have about six babies every three weeks, which means she has about 35 kids every year! These rodents cause damage to your home, transmit diseases, and transport other pests like lice, fleas, mites, and ticks (that come with maladies of their own).

Eight health and property damages caused by house mice include:

  1. Diseases such as leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, tularemia, and salmonellosis
  2. Allergies and asthma flare-ups (especially in children) from feces and urine
  3. Gnawing (ruins woodwork and other items within the house)
  4. Rub marks that leave an oily residue on the walls
  5. Burrowing for nest building (especially in attics and walls)
  6. A musky odor from urine
  7. Fires caused by gnawing on electrical wires.
  8. Ruined items in storage

Secrets To House Mice Prevention In Kittitas County

The best defense against a house mice infestation is preparation. Since house mice are so small, they can squeeze through gaps no wider than a pencil and holes a little larger than a dime. That kind of "squeezability" makes house mice challenging to keep out of your house. While house mice can be difficult to prevent, homeowners do have some remedies that they can employ to help keep their homes unattractive to these crafty critters.

Some prevention measures homeowners can employ include:

  • Seal any holes found in wood, PVC, and plastics within the home with construction material, silicone-based caulking, or steel wool.
  • Keep storage boxes up off the floor.
  • Clear off any food surfaces of food debris.
  • Store food in glass or metal cans with tight-fitting lids.
  • Repair leaks and remove any standing water inside or outside.
  • Seal trash (inside and out) in bins with tight-fitting lids.

The Best Way To Remove House Mice From Your Kittitas County Home

Homeowners are generally unaware they have a house mouse infestation until they see one (dead or alive). The best and most effective way of ridding yourself of a house mouse infestation is with professional pest help from Prosite. We are science-driven and service-obsessed. Our top priority is protecting your home and family. Contact Prosite today for a consultation that can set you on the path of a pest-free home.