What To Do About Yakima County Stinging Insects

Serving Families Throughout Ellensburg
bald faced hornets
Having stinging insects on your Yakima County property is not only a major nuisance but a serious health hazard. These pesky invaders love to ruin an outdoor party and are highly attracted to meats and sweets. It's important to safeguard your patio and porch spaces, so your family and guests avoid painful, startling stings. Read on to learn more about the stinging insects found in the local area and what you can do to keep them away.

What Types Of Stinging Insects Are Common For The Yakima County Area?

You can find a number of flying insects that sting in the local Yakima County area. Here are some of the most common species along with their identifying characteristics:

  • Bald Faced Hornet: These insects have long, slender, wasp-like bodies. They are black with white faces.
  • European Paper Wasp: This social wasp species is yellow and black in color. They build colonies out of a signature paper-like material, and their nests resemble upside-down umbrellas. Paper wasps can grow to be three-quarters of an inch in length.
  • Western Yellow Jacket: These larger stinging insects live in extensive colonies with thousands of members. Adult yellow jackets are typically half an inch in size.

Don't attempt to take down a nest or hive by yourself if you discover any of these insects or their habitats on your property. Work with a trusted source of Yakima County pest control, like Prosite, to keep you and your family safe. 

Where Do The Stinging Insects In Yakima County Live?

Each of the different types of stinging insects builds their own unique colonies and habitats. Paper wasps create signature upside-down umbrella-shaped nests. They're frequently found underneath roof overhangs, inside boxes, and hanging from pipes and gutters. Bald faced hornets also build nests that hang from above. You'll find these insect habitats under porches and decks, in attics, and hanging from rafters. You may even discover a bald faced hornet nest inside your chimney.

Yellow jackets build their homes inside tree cavities or hollowed-out tree stumps. They may even take over the old habitat of another animal that relocated somewhere else. These stinging insects are also known to invade a home's interior, infesting attic spaces or the void between walls. Yellow jackets also frequently establish colonies underground and go undetected for a long period of time. Many unfortunate homeowners discover a yellow jacket habitat by accidentally running it over with a lawnmower or stepping on top of it. To avoid a dangerous surprise sting attack, contact an exterminator if you see any of these bugs flying around your property.

How Effective Are Home Remedies For Removing Stinging Insects?

Home remedies to get rid of stinging insects are often risky and ineffective. Removing a nest on your own leaves you at risk for extremely painful stings that may require medical attention. The best way to keep wasps and hornets away from your property is by putting preventative measures in place. Try implementing these helpful tips today:

  • Fill all holes in the ground throughout your yard.
  • Remove tree stumps and dead trees from your property.
  • Keep outdoor garbage sealed in a heavy-duty container with a locking lid.
  • Clean your grill immediately after using it and keep it covered.
  • Seal cracks and gaps in exterior walls.
  • Repair or replace any screens with holes.

Unfortunately, sometimes preventative measures fail, and you'll still wind up with an infestation. Tackle tough stinging insect invaders with the help of an exterminator like Prosite.

There Are So Many Stinging Insects In My Yard! What Should I Do?

Stinging insects on your property are no picnic. At Prosite, we'll work closely with you to identify the problematic pests and remove them safely and effectively. To learn more about how we can help with pest control or to schedule an appointment, give us a call today.